
Labour references

  Author Title Year Language Abstract Attachment
Alexander Samorodov Ageing and labour markets for older workers 1999 English Instead the paper makes an effort to emphasize the employment and labour market implications of ageing, i.e. the older worker problem. It reviews sound policies and practices, identifies weaknesses in the approaches of the 90s and draws 11 conclusions. and labour markets for older workers_553e09bb2516f.pdf
D.U. Yang, Wang Me Demographic ageing and employment in China 2010 English The primary goal of the ILO International Labour Office, is to contribute, with member States, to achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people, a goal embedded in the ILO Declaration 2008 on Social Justi... ageing and employment in china_553e0a61085d9.pdf
- Demographic transition and an ageing society: Implications for local labour mark 2013 English While demographic changes already determine demand and supply on the labour market and in education, soon they will also determine the size and shape of other spheres of socio-economic life, such as easy access to transport, information services, private ... transition and an ageing society implications for local labour mark_553e0d325a708.pdf
Alexandre Kalache, Louise Plouffe Global age-friendly cities: a guide 2007 English An age-friendly city encourages active ageing by optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age. In practical terms, an age-friendly city adapts its structures and services to be accessibl... age-friendly cities a guide_553e0e43715af.pdf
John Beard, Simon Biggs, David Bloom, Linda Fried, Paul Hogan, Alexandre Kalac Global population ageing: peril or promise? 2012 English It is natural for people to respond to longer lifespans, particularly longer healthy lifespans, by planning on longer working lives and other forms of social contribution. Four options are considered: a) raising the normal legal age of retirement, b) usin... population ageing peril or promise_553e0f3d6e967.pdf
David E. Bloom, David Canning, Günther Fink Implications of Population Aging for Economic Growth 2010 English Workin paper series, Program on the Global Demographt of Ageing, Harvard School of Public Health. This paper analyses the implications of population aging for economic growth. Our main conclusion is that population aging poses challenges that are formidab... of population aging for economic growth_553e0feaa33c3.pdf
Axel Boersch-Supan Labor market effects of population aging 2002 English This paper analyzes the effects of population aging on the labor market and determines their braod implications for public policy, in particular fiscal and social policy. It takes Germany as an example, but it equally applies to large economies in Europe.... market effects of population aging_553e10b72a76f.pdf
Vincenzo Galasso , Paola Profeta Lessons for an ageing society: the political sustainability of social security system 2004 English The paper evaluates how political constraints and ageing shape the social security system. The pension systems of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and the US are analyzed. The authors give also some insights on the effects of the different redistribu... for an ageing society the political sustainability of social security system_553e114da6a0c.pdf
- Old age support ratio in Society at a glance: Asia/Pacific 2014 2014 English Chapter on old age support ratio in the Asian and Pacific countries. The old age support ratio provides a rough indicator of the number of active people who potentially are economically and socially supporting elderly people. It also gives a broad indicat... age support ratio in society at a glance asiapacific 2014_553e1236dc49d.pdf
David E. Bloom, Axel Boersch-Supan, Patrick McGee, and Atsushi Seike Population aging: facts, challenges, and responses 2011 English Population aging generates many challenges and sparks concerns about the pace of future economic growth, the operation and financial integrity of health care and pension systems, and the well-being of the elderly. But, while aging is taking place in almos... aging facts challenges and responses_553e211c69ec3.pdf
Karsten Knoche, Reinhold Sochert, Kathleen Houston Promoting healthy work workers with chronic illness. A guide to good practice 2012 English European guidelines for managers to support employees with a chronic illness. healthy work workers with chronic illness. a guide to good practice_553e2261a24fa.pdf
- The future of pension systems 2004 English Pension reform is currently on the agenda of many national governments and parliaments in the European Union. While mass unemployment and sluggish economic growth have short-term effects on the balances of revenues and expenditures of pension schemes (as ... future of pension systems_553e2335b4535.pdf