References Participation

Participation references

  Author Title Year Language Abstract Attachment
Ursula Lehr A society for all ages: challenges and opportunities 2007 English We are living in an aging world. Never before so many persons could reach an advanced age in Europe, in the whole world. The aging of our populations brings challenges that can only be met by working together of all generations. The abilities, experiences... society for all ages challenges and opportunities _553e080f7c929.pdf
- Co-production and participation: older people with high support needs 2012 English The evidence base on the participation of older people with high support needs is very limited. This report gives a summary of a review of literature and a small- scale survey of good practice on the participation and co-production of older people with hi... and participation older people with high support needs_553e2b5d20998.pdf
Alexandre Kalache, Louise Plouffe Global age-friendly cities: a guide 2007 English An age-friendly city encourages active ageing by optimizing opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age. In practical terms, an age-friendly city adapts its structures and services to be accessibl... age-friendly cities a guide_553e2beb62690.pdf
- Health 2020. A European policy framework supporting action across government and society for health and well-being 2013 English Common policy priorities in Europe for health, cooperation, supportive environment, governance. 2020. a european policy framework supporting action across government and society for health and well-being_553e2cf2c22fe.pdf
- Integration and participation of older persons in society 2009 English Commitment 2 of the UNECE strategy on ageing is to ensure full integration and participation of older persons in society. Realizing a society for all ages is the declared goal of Governments in member States of the United Nations Economic Commission for E... and participation of older persons in society_553e2fa433f8f.pdf
Vincenzo Galasso , Paola Profeta Lessons for an ageing society: the political sustainability of social security system 2004 English The paper evaluates how political constraints and ageing shape the social security system. The pension systems of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the UK and the US are analyzed. The authors give also some insights on the effects of the different redistribu... for an ageing society the political sustainability of social security system_553e3020de025.pdf
Marcel Herlinghagen, Karsten Hang Participation of older Europeans in volunteer work 2005 English The so called burden of ageing must not neglect the substantial productive potential of the elderly population. The paper explores cross-national patterns of volunteering and the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics and participation in ... of older europeans in volunteer work_553e30923a624.pdf
Mima Cattan, Martin White, John Bond, Alison Learmouth Preventing social isolation and loneliness among older people: a systematic review of health promotion interventions 2005 English The paper offers a systematic review was conducted to determine the effectiveness of health promotion interventions that target social isolation and loneliness among older people. Quantitative outcome studies between 1970 and 2002 in any language were inc... social isolation and loneliness among older people a systematic review of health promotion interventions_553e3137ec0a3.pdf
Clemens Tesch-Roemer Promoting participation, social inclusion and non-discrimination of older persons 2012 English This paper discusses some factors which influence participation in old age and policies on active ageing that intended to foster active participation, social inclusion, and non-discrimination of older persons. participation social inclusion and non-discrimination of older persons_553e334c2e49a.pdf
- Realizing our vision. Report of the Regional Director on the work of WHO in the European Region in 2012-2013 2012 English Report on the work of the WHO in the European region in 2012-2013. our vision. report of the regional director on the work of who in the european region in 2012-2013_553e34521be21.pdf
- Salute 2020. Un modello di politica europea a sostegno di un'azione trasversale 2013 Italian Translation of "Heath 2020 about common policy priorities in Europe for health, cooperation, supportive environment, governance". Available from theeuropean- policy-for-health-and-well-be... 2020. un modello di politica europea a sostegno di unazione trasversale_553e34de65d91.pdf
Julia Gerometta, Hartmut Hausermann, Giulia Longo Social innovation and civil society in urban governance. Strategies for an inclusive city 2005 English Processes of socioeconomic polarisation and social exclusion mark contemporary cities. This article seeks to explore the role of civil society in new urban governance arrangements that will hopefully contribute to counter the trends towards social exclusi... innovation and civil society in urban governance. strategies for an inclusive city_553e35d204e7b.pdf
Terry Y. Lum, Elizabeth Lightfoot The effects of volunteering on the physical and mental health of older people 2005 English The purpose of this study is to examine the correlations between volunteering and health among older persons thorugh a longitudinal data from the 1993 and 2000 panels. The findings provide empirical support to earlier claims that volunteering slows the de... effects of volunteering on the physical and mental health of older people_553e3661d6661.pdf
Cristina G. Dumitrache, Laura Rubio, Ignacio Bedoya y Ramona Rubio Promoting active aging in rural settings: an intervention program implemented in Ourense, Spain 2015 Spanish Promoting health and quality of life among rural older people has received little attention especially in Spain where the number of interventions designed specifically for the rural elderly is sparse. The aim of this study was to explore the effectiveness... study_55a50172cfb3d.pdf